27 July 2007

Trend UltraVNC Problem

My Trend Micro Office Scan server has recently started poping up with tons of TROJ_Generic.MRS viruses. I managed to narrow it down and determine that Trend is picking up my UltraVNC Server on some of my computers as this TROJ_Generic.MRS virus.

To stop multiple errors from poping up on the client machine you can temporarily stop the UltraVNC service.
Once you stop the service the UltraVNC exe file will be deleted from the machine so you may need to re-install the application.

To prevent the anti-virus from picking up the UltraVNC server as a trojan again you can add an exclusion to the OfficeScan server via the webconsole.
Click on Clients -> Scan Options -> Real Time Scan Settings.
In the Real Time scan settings page check the Enable Exclusion list.
Click on the Exclusion list link and in the folder section add the UltraVNC directory.
C:\Program Files\UltraVNC and then click add.

04 July 2007

PDF Spam

It looks like the spam community is starting to use PDF files to fool spam filters.

This is going to be difficult to combat as PDF files can not be blocked seeing as they are a commonly used document type.