28 June 2007

Adobe Acrobat Reader 8 Active Directory Roll-out

To install Adobe Acrobat Reader 8 on all your network computers using active directory you con do the following steps:
Please note I am using Mozilla Firefox 2.0 to download the files
Windows 2003 server with GPMC (Group Policy Managment Console)

  1. Download Adobe Acrobat to your computer and install it.
  2. Find the Setup.msi file in the folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Setup Files\
  3. Copy the files in this folder to your NETLOGON folder on your server
  4. Add the package in your active directory use group policy management console.
    Right Click on an OU in AD and select "Create and Link GPO here"

    Give the GPO a name. Then Right click on it and select "Edit"
    Expand Computer Configuration -> Software Settings -> Software Installation.
    Right Click on Software Installation and Select New -> Package.
    Browse to \\netlogon\. Click ok.
    Click ok on the assigned dialog and you are done.
  5. You Should see the entry below appear in your window indicating that the package is ready to be installed.
  6. Next time your computers in that OU reboot they should get Adobe Acrobat 8 Installed

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